As Pinto Professional Horsemen we pledge:
- To improve, promote and enhance the Pinto horse, pony, miniature, utility horse and long ears
through humane care and husbandry.
- To represent the multifaceted world of Pinto ownership: breeding, competition and pleasure
- To provide beneficial services, mentor, share, support and encourage Pinto ownership and
- To educate by providing materials, programs and services that allows PtHA to be a resource
organization in the equine industry
- To promote the continued growth of PtHA through good horsemanship and good sportsmanship
- To hold up the standard of our profession, with confidentiality and transparency
- To pledge to make a difference and Keeping The Standard as both a motto and reality
PtHA® Professional Horsemen Code of Conduct
As a member of the Pinto Horse Association, we, the members of the PtHA Professional Horsemen will:
- Adhere to the professional standards of the Pinto Horse Association and to work to promote its goals and
- Ensure that the welfare of the Pinto is paramount and that every Pinto shall at all times be treated
humanely, with dignity, respect and compassion.
- Conduct all business affairs with integrity and accuracy in an open and legal manner.
- Fully disclose to customers the actual sales price and commissions involved in the sale or purchase of a
- Fully disclose all veterinary procedures, conditions and medications concerning a horse involved in any
- Handle all business, training and professional matters so as to instill confidence among clients and the
public to promote the horse industry and the positive image of the PtHA.
By signing this application, I agree to be bound by the rules of application and the Code of Conduct of the
Association of PtHA Professional Horsemen. I understand that in order to participate in this program, I must
maintain a current individual membership with PtHA®.